; New Fabrics from USA | Quilting Stories Quilting Tutorials and Discussions

Saturday, October 15, 2016

New Fabrics from USA





Half Square Triangles

When my son came for holidays from Chicago he brought to me the fabrics I had ordered. I am so happy with them, they are gorgeous! And so grateful to my son for loading his suitcase with fabrics!

I have several projects... starting first with baby quilts for two babies : my first grand-daughter and my first grand nephew, both to be born next month!

I have done a selection of fabrics in the colors wished by my niece, and for this first baby quilt I have cut all the required half square triangles for a herringbone pattern.


  1. Those fabrics are really nice! So neat that your son would bring them to you. Enjoy! Wendy at piecefulthoughts@gmail.com

  2. A lovely mix of fabrics there Christine, guaranteed to keep you busy especially you have a grand-daughter on the way!

  3. Ah mais je comprends mieux pourquoi il y a plusieurs styles dans tes tissus !
    Quelle chance d'avoir un fils aux US et qu'elle chance d'avoir une mamie qui fait des quilts de bébé...
    Bon dimanche Christine !

  4. What an inspiring batch of fabrics! Your start with the half-square triangles is beautiful.

  5. Ton choix de tissus est comme d'habitude super et le resultat ne peut que l'etre aussi..j'ai hate de voir tes nouvelles realisations !!!

  6. A granddaughter...how wonderful! COngrats!! Enjoy your sewing.

  7. Voilà qui est bien pratique depuis l'explosion des frais de port !
