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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Patchwork Tablecloth

Patchwork Tablecloth

Patchwork Tablecloth

Patchwork Tablecloth

Patchwork Tablecloth

Patchwork Tablecloth

Tea party

Tea party


Queen Elizabeth II

Looking for a tablecloth matching my Haviland China tea set, I found nothing satisfying in my dozens of tablecloths stash. I then remembered I had some pieces of fabrics remaining from the pillows you can see in this post , that I had sewn some years ago. I love those romantic floral prints. The fabric is linen and I had ordered it from my favorite shop in London : 

I used all the remaining fabrics. I sewed them together and added a white linen sashing all around.

I received my sister, niece and friends coming from France for a tea party. My new tablecloth was
successful... and my pineapple cake much appreciated!


  1. Such a pretty table!! That fabric is certainly a perfect match for your china. Love the statue!!

  2. Lovely tablecloth and so perfect with your china. Looks like a beautiful day.

  3. SEW pretty!!! A lovely match!

  4. La nappe est très romantique! Le gâteau à l'ananas caramélisé est LE gâteau d'anniversaire de mon deuxième fils! C'est en décembre et ça fait tout drôle d'en voir un en été!

  5. Wonderful post Christine, I do remember the pillows and fell in love with your fabric. I must have a look on their site.

  6. Lovely tablecloth, so gentle and delicate looking :-)

  7. The tablecloth, the upside-down cake, the tea cups, the garden - so much loveliness in one post! And I didn't even mention the queen. I love her royal pinkness.

  8. I really do enjoy your posts, Christine. Your projects, your gardens, and even your desserts all captured so well in your photography (love that rose peeking into the first photo!) Were you celebrating a birthday?

  9. I love this linen fabric which seems antique and used; we have to "guess"the flowers....
    Very good style !
    Véronique- Atelier la masure

  10. Mmmm, your table setting looks wonderful - can I come to tea as well?

  11. The tablecloth is beautiful and the garden is the perfect place to have tea. I would come to visit for the pineapple cake too! YUM
