

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Green jacket

Green jacket

Green jacket

Green jacket
Green jacket

Hexie half

Log Cabin Baby Quilt

Log Cabin Baby Quilt


Writing this post from my bed, where I have to remain lying for two months! 
This is my misadventure :

Two weeks ago I was so happy to prepare the house for the arrival of my third son D. with his wife and his 3 1/2 years old and 16 months' old sons. The first morning of their staying here, as my 3 1/2 years old grandson M. ran downstairs to jump into my arms to kiss me, I lost my balance and fell backwards on the tiled floor with him in the arms... result : a broken lumbar vertebra, three days in hospital and two months immobilization! Fortunately the child did not hurt.

Few weeks ago I had taken some pictures of the various projects I was working on before the accident happened. One of them was completed : the knitted jacket. I am very proud of it as it is the first time I created my own pattern. I found inspiration from an old magazine pattern, I made a sample (first time!), I took my measures, made some calculations (with many difficulties...) and here it is : the perfect little jacket I always wanted for wearing above my dark dresses!

I was about to finish the hand quilting of the Log Cabin baby quilt for my 3 months old granddaughter, who will have to wait for a while now before she is offered it...

I bought templates in order to start a new quilt with big hexagons...

I ordered those wonderful hand dyed yarns from TreLiz with the idea of knitting a colorful shawl...

All plans postponed...
