

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Green jacket

Green jacket

Green jacket

Green jacket
Green jacket

Hexie half

Log Cabin Baby Quilt

Log Cabin Baby Quilt


Writing this post from my bed, where I have to remain lying for two months! 
This is my misadventure :

Two weeks ago I was so happy to prepare the house for the arrival of my third son D. with his wife and his 3 1/2 years old and 16 months' old sons. The first morning of their staying here, as my 3 1/2 years old grandson M. ran downstairs to jump into my arms to kiss me, I lost my balance and fell backwards on the tiled floor with him in the arms... result : a broken lumbar vertebra, three days in hospital and two months immobilization! Fortunately the child did not hurt.

Few weeks ago I had taken some pictures of the various projects I was working on before the accident happened. One of them was completed : the knitted jacket. I am very proud of it as it is the first time I created my own pattern. I found inspiration from an old magazine pattern, I made a sample (first time!), I took my measures, made some calculations (with many difficulties...) and here it is : the perfect little jacket I always wanted for wearing above my dark dresses!

I was about to finish the hand quilting of the Log Cabin baby quilt for my 3 months old granddaughter, who will have to wait for a while now before she is offered it...

I bought templates in order to start a new quilt with big hexagons...

I ordered those wonderful hand dyed yarns from TreLiz with the idea of knitting a colorful shawl...

All plans postponed...



  1. Sending you good wishes and a speedy recovery. Can you knit or sew in bed?

  2. Katerina Papaioannou23 February 2017 at 16:24

    My dear Christine, you do indeed wonderful things.Every thing you create is special and unique.I admire you, because you are a very capable woman.Congratulations.

  3. Thank you so much Kaity for your visit and kind words!

  4. Your Jacket looks beautiful ,as do you .Wishing you a speedy recoverary.

  5. That jacket looks lovely on you. So sorry to hear about your fall. I hope you heal quickly and completely! You have some fun projects waiting for you. I love that yarn!! Wendy at

  6. Ouch, Grandchildren are wonderful and, at times, a bit of a hazard. I hooe your recovery is swift. I love your green jacket and you could use it as a temporary bed jacket if needed.😊

  7. Thank you so much Mary Ellen, Wendy and Ann for your visit and kind wishes!

  8. Your green jacket looks wonderful!! You did a great job. Speedy recovery to you - you did a great job cushioning the young grandchild's fall.

    1. Ahaha yes indeed Holly! Thanks a lot for your kind words!

  9. Goodness, what a dreadful incident and two months of lying in bed is no fun. I hope you mend quickly to wear that pretty green jacket.

  10. Oh dear - what a thing to happen. I'm sending you Get Well Wishes from New Zealand, and wish you a complete recovery. I do hope you have someone there taking care of you, since you are bed bound for 2 long months?

  11. Oh My 2 months! How awful....wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Your jacket is such a pretty green and it looks great on.

  12. Oh my, think of how many projects you'll dream up. " Hit the ground running " as soon as you can!

  13. Oh my goodness! Take care and get well soon. Love the green jacket! And those hanks of yarn are just yummy!

  14. Je suis tres desole!!! Get well soon :)

  15. Oh, you poor thing! Sending you a big big hug, Christine. And you look so lovely in that green jacket.

  16. Beautiful green. You look lovely in it :-)
    Hope you feel better soon.

  17. Oh no!! I hope you feel better very soon and hopefully you can do a little gentle knitting or hand sewing from bed. Your green jacket is beautiful - such a pretty colour :)

    1. Thanks a lot Carie! From Monday on I will do a little crochet. Have a great week-end!

  18. Great jacket! love the dyed yarn too.

  19. Oh dear! Hope you are feeling better! I am finally feeling better after a four month surgery recovery. It is so hard to stay still when one is accustomed to being active! Your work is beautiful!

  20. Oh my goodness. I can't even imagine the pain you have been in and having to stay down. Your jacket is beautiful. The log cabin quilt is just sweet. Feel better soon. mary in Az

  21. Ah sweet Love the color of the "vest" (jacket). I hope you have had a good recovery?

    1. Thank you Aritha! I am recovering ok and hope to be able to write a new post soon...

  22. Christine, I've had a crazy busy winter and spring and am just now seeing this. I hope you are recovering well. More than sewing I hope you're able to spend more time giving and receiving safe hugs from your grandchildren.
    PS: I LOVE your green jacket!
