

Thursday, November 26, 2015

One Patch Baby Boy Quilt Tutorial from A to Z

Finished Size : 0.78 yards  x 1 yard

One Patch Baby Quilt Tutorial

Required fabrics 

For the top :

1/2 yard printed fabric.
1/2 yard muslin or dotted white fabric.

 For the backing :

1.25 yard printed or dotted blue fabric. 

For the binding :

4" orange fabric

For the batting :

Wool Batting

For the Knots :

Embroidery white thread.

Stripes One Patch Baby Quilt Tutorial

Cut both printed and white fabrics lenghwise in 5" stripes.
Then cut them in 5" x 5" squares.

One Patch sewing

Sew the printed and white squares together, right side against right side.
Make 8 rows of 6 units each.

One Patch baby quilt top

Assemble the rows together.
Your top is done.

Baby quilt wool batting

Cut your wool batting a little bigger than the top.

One Patch baby quilt dotted backing

Cut your backing fabric the same size as the batting.

One Patch baby quilt knots

Baste and link with knots as shown HERE and HERE.

One Patch baby quilt binding

Bind your quilt as shown HERE and HERE

One Patch Organic Baby Quilt


  1. Lovely baby quilt. I'd like to try the tying method it looks really good :)

  2. That looks quick and easy - and so pretty. I am adding tied quilt to my to-do list.

  3. Thank you for sharing Christine, I can almost believe that I can do it :-)

  4. I love the fabrics you have chosen and the use of wool wadding too. The quilt looks so soft and gentle, thanks for sharing,

  5. This quilt is beautiful, and it looks so soft and cuddly! Great job!

  6. Christine, I am a beginner at quilt making. The quilts you make is very beautiful and your instructions makes it a lot easier for me to follow and know that I will be able to make it as well. Thanks for sharing.

    1. You are welcome Madelein, I am happy to be of help!

  7. How did u tie it around edges what trim did u beginner i know this is probably dumb question
