

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sewing Sewing Sewing...

all day long!






I added three more rows to my double Four Patch top, which means 30 blocks. To complete it I need another 20 blocks... I think I rather have a break from this and start a new baby quilt for my three months old grandson : first priority, isn't it? As I showed in this post, my daughter chose various shades of grey for this quilt and I suppose it will be a pleasure for me to use soft neutral hues, after all those colorful fabrics lately... relaxing!


  1. I like the four patch design you are working on. I am drawn to your fabric choices. Also, I wonder what kind of sewing machine you are using.

  2. I just love the simplicity of the four patch. Such wonderful fabrics you are using in this, the saturated warm colors will make this a cozy quilt. I also love the photo of your sewing machine's foot. It looks as if it has a been a good friend to you and has that same sort of simplicity. Wonderful!

  3. the design you are working on it great - I love the old fashion look it has

  4. This is the exact kind of day I have ahead of me today....good to know I'm in good company. BTW...I noticed a lot of changes in your blog! Looks like you've been busy....lot's of time and reorganization...looks good!

  5. Enjoy your change of pace. Sewing for other people is always a nice excuse to use new colors.

  6. Tu as relooké ton blog !! Il est très sympa ainsi... ;)
    Encore 20 blocs mais ton quilt sera magnifique ! En attendant, bon baby quilt !!
    Bonne fin de dimanche !

  7. I like the variety of colors in your four-patch quilt!

  8. I love your Double 4 patch block. What are the sizes of your blocks? Do you have the instructions? I like it because they are tiny.

    1. Blocs finis 8" x 8"

      Couper :

      Petits carres : 1.50" x 1.50"
      Moyens carres : 2.50" x 2.50"
      Grands carres : 4.50" x 4.50"

      Finished blocks 8" x 8"

  9. Christine,congratulations,great patience....:-)

  10. Interesting to see all those seams pressed open - I imagine it reduces the bulk? This quilt is on my to-do list - I've admired it for years - and since 4-patches seem to be all the rage right now I'd love to get started! Beautiful!

  11. Glad you have gotten so much done on this pattern--have always loved it. Your colors are fantastic. Hope you keep up with it, it will be gorgeous!! The colors your daughter picked out have been very popular. My daughter-n-law used grey and yellow. It has a very relaxed feeling to it. Have fun

  12. Je comprends que tu aies envie de varier les plaisirs. Ton quilt va vraiment être superbe. Ta machine à coudre est-elle une machine professionnelle? Sa robustesse, son intégration dans la table et le mètre intégré à la table y font penser. Bon début de quilt doux.

  13. Tu as bien raison de faire un break pour petit Marcel !! Quant aux differentes nuances de gris, c'est vraiment tres dans le vent ;) en as-tu 50 au moins??? Tres hate de voir les debut de ce nouveau baby quilt...♥

    1. Oui, effectivement très tendances les shades of grey!

  14. Lovely photos! I so enjoy seeing your works in progress. Can't wait to see what the baby's quilt will look like.

  15. You always have the best photos.:)

  16. I do like this, Christine, it is going to be a beautiful quilt; so many colours together and it works so well :-)

  17. It's looking great Christine. FYI: you left me a comment on my blog and did you know that you are a no-reply? You might want to check your settings.

  18. This is such a wonderful scrappy quilt!

  19. I love seeing your progress on this quilt. But I do have to admit.... Making a baby quilt for your new grandson does sound rather tempting!
