

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Rail Fence UFO

Rail Fence

Rail Fence

Rail Fence

Rail Fence

Rail Fence

Rail Fence

I wonder why, some years ago I had a red and black period! Obviously it was not at all my style and I  quickly gave up this project. Until last week that my niece came to visit me. She is going to get married next June and I proposed to make her a quilt. Her lounge is decorated with grey tunes and a little red. As she told me she would like a quilt in those shades, I remembered this UFO, and when I showed her this project she loved it... so let's go on with my Rail Fence quilt!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. C'est formidable quand un UFO peut être terminé! Et en plus pour une si bonne cause! Et il a l'air vachement moderne!
    Le "rouge et le noir" me dit aussi qqch, j'avais acheté pour cela un tissu japonais dans ces couleurs comme tissu de base et le quilt a bien été fini (log-cabin). Seulement ce tissu resurgira toujours de quelque part - il est interminable ou il se multiplie tout seul ?!?? (Je crois que j'en aurai jusqu'à la fin de ma vie.)Il y a des tissus comme ça!
    Je trouve que le mot "striking" convient à ton quilt! Me réjouis de le voir fini!
    Best wishes!

  3. Merci Helen, striking or dramatic! Il est vrai que ce sont des couleurs qui ont l'air de plaire aux jeunes! Je ne peux vous répondre personnellement car vous etes "noreply". Avez-vous un blog?

  4. Et voilà un quilt qui aura une belle et heureuse fin !! hihi !!
    Tu vois, tout compte fait et sans le savoir, ta période "vite oubliée" de gris, noir et rouge va faire le bonheur de ta nièce !!
    Bonne continuation alors et bonne après-midi !!

  5. How perfect! And you're already half way done! Your red and black rail fence is going to look right at home in your niece's living room. Congratulations to the new bride!

  6. Wow does this quilt have depth! I just how how quilts take on their own their own time. I will look forward to seeing the finish.

  7. very nice, a two-fer! UFO done and gift quilt done, way to go!

  8. A beautiful quilt, great colors, and how nice to know it will be well-loved and not sitting in a closet!! Whoop whoop!!

  9. Excellent destination for your UFO! Don't you just love it when it happens that way.:)

  10. Woohoo! What a fantastic feeling it must be to have found the perfect home :) It's very striking, I think it'll have a wonderful modern look Christine and look forward to seeing it grow :)

  11. Rail fence is a favorite go to relaxing quilt to make . I love the red and black.
