

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Double Four Patch

Double Four Patch top

Transparent box







Double Four Patch top

Double Four Patch top

Double Four Path top

In my previous post I showed you a baby crib bumper, and promised a tutorial. However, in the meantime I received a mail informing me that there is a potential danger in using crib bumpers. After checking and reading this link I decided not to write the tutorial I had prepared. My next tutorial will be for a pinwheel baby quilt... hoping there is not any danger in using baby quilts!

In the meantime, as a new year starts, I decided to have a look at my UFOs stored in transparent boxes, and to move forward... rather to try...  There is this Double Four Patch top abandoned half way (what a pity) for more urgent baby quilts sewing! I would like to finish it as it is one of my favorites. I used Civil War prints with some wonderful colors, such as the blue and the purple ones. The problem is how to go on with it when babies are being born one after the other in my family and friends and I always have a new baby quilt to sew...


  1. GORGEOUS quilt!! Looks first glance! But after you broke it down, it is easy!! Will be making one of these for sure!! Love it!


  2. The four patches. Fun, fun, fun!

  3. I love that quilt - it is all about placement isn't it - when I first looked it looked to be difficult than after looking closer through your photos - well it looks easy to me know!
    They say everything we did for baby is now dangerous how we all survived and our children did to is beyond me, I have even heard that they tell parents now to have no blankets or quilts in the baby's bed! only on the floor to lay on to play. I really think this last 20 years or so what all the new ideas are for babies is downright silly - nothing was wrong with the way we were all taken care of or we wouldn't be here!

  4. Il faut le terminer il est trop beau !

  5. Y-a t'il tellement de naissances à venir ? ;)
    Il faut leur dire "stop" le temps que tu puisses terminer ce magnifique quilt...une vraie beauté et je trouve que les tons employés annoncent le Printemps !
    Quel beau travail Christine...Bravo !

  6. the little 4 patches are so adorable! now I have another quilt to add to my list! lol

  7. Oh, que c'est beau! ça donne envie de se mettre à la machine et de coudre coudre coudre! :)
    De très belles couleurs de nouveau!
    Belle soirée!

    1. Merci Helen pour votre gentil commentaire. Ah si seulement nous pouvions passer tout notre temps a coudre...

    2. J'ose vous demander quelle est la taille des carrés, svp??

    3. Blocs finis 8" x 8"

      Couper :

      Petits carres : 1.50" x 1.50"
      Moyens carres : 2.50" x 2.50"
      Grands carres : 4.50" x 4.50"

    4. Merci beaucoup et belle journée!

  8. This is one of my all time favorite classic blocks and you have done it perfectly in your colors. Wow!

  9. Beautiful quilt! Love the scrappy look.:)

  10. Such a pretty, colourful quilt. Very effective block design.

  11. Effectivement, il est très beau. Tu dois le terminer. Il est trop joli pour être caché dans le placard lol.

  12. I love your four patch and the colors you used. I agree with a poster above about bumper pads and all the things they told us to do with our babies that they tell parents today not to do. In another 20 years it will all be reversed again.

  13. A mon avis, les bébés peuvent attendre un peu. Offre leur un petit livre pour faire patienter les parents et pense à toi, à ton plaisir, à ton envie de finir ce très beau quilt. Pas toujours facile de penser à soi quand on est quilteuse et qu'on aime donner. Belle journée.

  14. So it is great beauty :-)

  15. Ah ces couleurs !!! quel enchantement devant tous ces magnifiques tissus tous reunis...Il va falloir limiter la production et finir les en-cours..Bon courage Christine !! ♥

  16. This is lovely. I am truly a great fan of simple, scrappy looking quilts with the older prints. Thanks for must let a baby wait while you finish.....Baby will grow and need things for a long time...enjoy the things that inspire you.

  17. Christine, this is an absolutely scrumptious quilt - all those fabrics and colors. I love the four patches traveling back and forth!
    It seems they are always saying something new is dangerous. Just in the time our three children were babies, we had doctors tell us three different sleeping positions were not safe... first it was on the back, then it was on the tummy, and last it was on the side. But we'll take no chances with such precious little ones!

  18. I can think of no better reason to abandon a project than needing to make a quilt for a new baby! But this is a lovely quilt, and I'm sure you will eventually finish it.

  19. I can think of no better reason to abandon a project than needing to make a quilt for a new baby! But this is a lovely quilt, and I'm sure you will eventually finish it.

  20. what a beautiful double four patch!

  21. What a lovely quilt. What size are your blocks?

  22. LOVE LOVE LOVE this quilt. Are the measurements as you posted above in your "non-English" reply (1.5", 2.5", and 4.5" for a total of 8" finished block? I'm assuming they are and going to try it!!!
