

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Baby Crib Bumper

Crib bumper

Crib bumper

Crib bumper

Baby and bumper

Baby and bumper

Baby's tableware

Toy on string quilt

Yesterday early in the morning I decided not to start my day with any housework, but instead to sew the baby bumper for my grandson. It took me less than one hour to achieve it. I took pictures step by step and in my next post I will write the tutorial : I thought it may help beginners to do it the simplest way.
I brought this bumper to my daughter who was pleased to get it at last and we fixed it in the crib. Baby seems to enjoy it... not for long as he is growing so fast that we shall have to buy a bigger bed soon... and to sew a new bumper!
Baby received many beautiful presents as this Beatrix Potter porcelain tableware, and this cute elephant matching perfectly with the quilt I offered my daughter last summer.


  1. Nice bumper pads and very cute baby! I love your daughter's string quilt as well.

  2. Lovely presents. I like Beatrix Potter a lot! The elephant is real cute and of the bumper, very nice fabric and practical.

  3. Bravo Christine, tu as bien réussi le tour de lit !! Et ton petit fils est craquant.....
    Comme l'éléphant d'ailleurs !!
    Bonne fin de dimanche et à bientôt !
    Grosses bises

  4. This is way too cute. Congratulations Christine on finishing a wonderful and practical little project.

  5. Hi Christine! That's very beautiful Bumper! Also I love all things by Beatrix Potter! Super cute elephant - that would be fun to make. Have a lovely week! x Teje

  6. Beautiful baby bumper - most importantly what a beautiful baby boy! Beatrix Potter tableware for
    the children is always delightful and the elephant is cute!

  7. La simplicité a aussi du bon! Le tissu est vraiment sympa et c'est agréable de temps en temps de faire quelque chose de rapide. Je ne connaissais pas cet oreiller ergonomique pour bébé. Belle journée.

  8. So sweet Christine, that'll definitely keep the draughts out - and what a gorgeous smile! The Wedgwood set reminds me that my son was given a Peter Rabbit plate for his first birthday - he'll be 17 in about 6 week's time! Where does the time go?!

  9. Hello Christine... they are so cute (the baby & the baby-crib-bumper)... and the Beatrix Potter set. :-)

  10. Those photos of your grandson are too, too sweet Christine! The bumper you made is very cute and I think the fabric also goes very well with the quit you made.
