

Friday, December 04, 2020

Sleeveless Sweater Finished!

Sleeveless sweater

Sleeveless sweater

Sleeveless sweater

Sleeveless sweater

Sleeveless sweater

Happy to finish, and to present you my new sweater. I have shown the progress of it in my previous post. 

I am not a specialist of taking selfies in a mirror, and I must say I had a hard time achieving "proper" pictures 😅, sorry for the bad quality of them, but in fact I wanted to show you the real length over a shirt. On the first picture I think that the shirt is a little too long... or maybe I should have done the sweater a bit longer... next one will be longer and the neckline somewhat deeper. Next one should be perfect! 

In the meantime I have to finish my giant granny square blanket Click, before receiving my next order of yarns from the UK. I am eager to get it to be able to start my new project. I was enthusiastic about the colors I chose and I hope I will not be disappointed when seeing them in reality...


  1. Il est super beau ton pull ! J’adore !
    Gros bisous Christine 🥰

  2. I think the photos are lovely, and the sweater suits you so well. Very nicely done!

  3. Beautiful, and your knitting is flawless!
