

Monday, November 09, 2020

Two Antique Quilts

Summer in France

Summer in France

Two antique quilts

Hi everyone! Back to Greece... and to my blog after a long summer in France. I am still busy there restoring my 19th century summer house bought five years ago. I love doing this job and especially  decorating, with the drawback that it keeps me temporarily away from quilting. 

I have sent most of my quilts, the antique ones and those done by me, from Greece to France, with the aim of a future exhibition, but not only : my house is going to be filled with quilts on beds, on couches, hanged on walls...

The above picture shows two antique quilts displayed on the sofa in the living room, bought by one of my sons on ebay in 2014. You can see several pictures of those quilts, with details HERE and HERE.


  1. Gorgeous quilts! And the room is lovely too.

  2. Ils sont merveilleux avec une petite préférence (si tu m'autorises !) pour celui avec le fond rose et la bordure verte .... J'espère que tu vas bien Christine !!
    Gros xoxo

    1. Merci Cecile! Le rose est aussi mon prefere! J'espere egalement que tu te portes bien. Bisous.
