

Monday, September 26, 2016

Apron & Summer Crop

As I said before, summer was dedicated to the family (children and grand-children) who visited us. Although I spent most of the days in the kitchen, I had a little time to sew for my daughter an apron with an ancient piece of linen.

I pitted kilos of cherries to prepare jars for the winter. We collected the almonds from our tree and peeled them.
I did as well tomato sauce jars, but they were eaten before I even thought of taking pictures! I may prepare some more jars, as we still find very good tomatoes at the market.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

The reason why...

... I was absent from my blog since a month :






My son from Chicago and my son, his wife and their two babies from London came to spend August in Greece. I was so happy to have them here with me! I met my third grandson for the first time! My daughter and her baby were as well here, and as you can understand I had the best excuse not to have any time left for quilting or blogging! Proof are those pictures of my lounge... I would be ashamed to show you in what situation is the rest of my home : a mess everywhere. Needless to talk about my kitchen!!!

I will be back soon (after home will be again in its usual state), with new quilting projects, new ideas and new fabrics from Chicago.