

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Double Four Patch Quilt Offered

Double Four Patch quilt

Double Four Patch quilt

Double Four Patch quilt

Over years you could follow the slow progress of my Double Four Patch quilt.
I cannot believe myself that I had the patience to cut and assemble 2200 squares!
Anyway, it is now in good hands : I offered it to my sister who will use it as a wall hanger in her lounge.
She had planned to visit us last month and I managed to finished it just in time.
Those pictures were taken last month as snow started to fall. You can see some snow flakes on my sister's red coat.
We were too cold to hang the quilt outside to show it entirely, but you will see it soon exhibited on the wall of her lounge.


  1. Congratulations! She is a beauty and will be loved for generations! Now that one is heirloom material! Well done!

  2. Beautiful! Can't wait to see the whole quilt!
    Job well done, Christine!

  3. Ta soeur à l'air ravie...comme je la comprends !
    C'est un très beau cadeau !Bravo

  4. I can see that she feels the love you have given her in this quilt. She is as beautiful as you are!

  5. Your sister is beautiful and she looks like she will love the quilt very much! Isn't it wonderful to quilt for people who truly appreciate them?

  6. Lovely, and your sister is very lucky to have it. :-)

  7. Snow, and flowers on the bush there. Not here!

    Congratulations on the big finish! I know your sister will take good care of it. :D

  8. You may well be the best sister ever, Christine.
