

Sunday, November 08, 2015

Hand Binding

Hand binding

Monday group

Patchwork knitting

Patchwork knitting

Walnut cake

Walnut cake

Last Monday the quilting meeting took place at my home. As you can see, it is becoming a quilting - knitting activity! Agnes is knitting a lovely shawl and Eleni, our long-arm quilter, is knitting a sweet patchwork doll blanket. I started hand binding my baby quilt. Next week I will publish the promised tutorial!

for the opportunity of our meeting I baked a walnut cake and a custard cream, both grand-mother's recipe.


  1. Oh... looks like a colourful meeting of creative spirits! How wonderful for you!
    Enjoy your stitching!

  2. Looks so much fun! That patchwork knitted blanket is cute! x Teje

  3. Oh how wonderful....and yummy! I've been busy hand binding too.

  4. Il y a des tricoteuses mais j'ai quand même remarqué que leur sac est fait de patch !!'
    Merci de partager ces belles photos remplies d'amitié !

  5. Oh that looks like fun and the treats are so tasty looking they made my mouth water! Happy Stitching!

  6. That looks like a fun meeting with a yummy dessert. Care to share the recipe?

  7. Oh looks like such a fun group--I love a "mixed media" group--it's always so interesting to see what people are making....and that cake looks scrumptious...hugs, Julierose

  8. Always fun to get together with friends. Such a cute doll blanket. Your walnut cake so delicious!

  9. What a lovely photo a=of you all gathered around the table - nothing like good friends!! Your cake with custard cream looks delicious.

  10. What a wonderful get-together. None of my friends are crafters. :( That walnut cake looks delicious.

  11. Looks like fun! It's lovely to see part of your home with so much light. I can almost smell the cake.

  12. I've been busy hand binding too. You have a wonderful and fun meeting. And I love the food! :)

  13. How wonderful to have a group of crafty friends! I meet my only crafty friend once a week for lunch and a bit of hand sewing and knitting, my friend Janie being the knitter. She'd be in her element with all the colourful knitting going on in your group!. I hope you had fun stitching up your binding too :)

  14. That looks like the most wonderful way to spend a day Christine! You all must gain insiration from each other as well as have a lot of fun!

  15. Je ne sais pas ce que je préfère de vos travaux ou des gâteaux... les deux sont appétissants !
