

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Knitted Shawl Instructions


My daughter thought in the end that the shawl was looking better on me than on her... lucky me... I keep it!
As a photographer, she took nice pictures of me wearing it.

After my last post about this shawl, several persons asked me the pattern. As I said, I had no pattern, but I will try to write the instructions on how I knitted it :

You need 8 skeins of 50g each (6 if you don't do the crochet border and the fringes).
I used a mixed merinos cashmere and silk yarn.
Needles US 8 - 5.0 mm

The shawl is knitted from one side to the other in garter stitch.
  1. Cast on 2 stitches,
  2. Knit in garter stitch,
  3. Increase 1 stitch every end of the left side,
  4. On the right side always knit straight, taking the first stitch twisted, without knitting it,
  5. When you have finished knitting 3 skeins, start to decrease until you reach 2 stitches. Cast off.

If you know to crochet, make the border as you wish, I did it the simplest way, with basic double crochet stitches.
If you wish to make the fringes : cut 146 pieces of wool of 23.5" each, fold them in 2, and then make a knot as shown on the photo : 

I love shawls and have knitted many of them in the past. There are plenty of patterns of the web, but always so complicated that I thought of a way to make one simple, easy, but nevertheless beautiful and cozy. I am so happy with the result that I will make some others. It could be a good idea for a Christmas present... we all like shawls, don't we?


  1. Le chale est magnifique , le mannequin aussi et la photographe geniale !!! le tout ...un plaisir total !!! oui, nous adorons les chales mais encore faut-il trouver de jolies laines...Merci pour les explications Chrisitne !!! ;)

  2. I,too, am a shawl lover. I make lace shawls with very skinny yarn, usually lace-weight. You'd think that they wouldn't keep me warm, but they do. And then when you're hot again, you just drop them off your shoulders. I bet you make very good use out of your lovely shawl.

  3. Oui le châle te va très bien !! :)
    Merci pour les explications vais réfléchir mais j'ai bien peur de ne pas être à la hauteur...bien que je sache faire le point mousse...Ah ! je vais réfléchir !! Pour cet hiver au coin du feu....
    Grosses bises !

  4. Beautiful yet simple. I love it! And it looks wonderful on you :-)

  5. Thank you for sharing the Tutorial, Christine - it is a wonderful shawl!

  6. It's beautiful on you! I'm sure many will appreciate the directions. It almost makes me want to take up knitting. Maybe someday.

  7. I'm so glad you got to keep your shawl. I could sense in your original post that you really loved it. And your daughter is right, you wear it beautifully.

  8. Very nice, and looks lovely on you.

  9. Oh, Christine, how pretty you look! The shawl is lovely and I do like the color, especially with that blouse.

  10. This looks so gorgeous! I love the fringing, makes it look so cosy :)

  11. Ahhh, you look so warm and cosy in it :-)

  12. I Love te shawl and it looks so good on you.

  13. I do adore your shawl, it looks wonderful on you especially in that colour. x

  14. I love your shawl! Your hair is just like mine!
    Your daughter DID take lovely photographs!

  15. A beautiful shawl and thank you for sharing your instructions.

  16. It looks so great! Great pictures too

  17. which needles did you use? Do you have a tutorial for beginners?

  18. Il y a l'art de réaliser les châles et l'art de les porter...Bravo de réunir toutes ces qualités...Tu donnes envie de faire plus de tricot ou de crochet...

  19. I love the shawl. I love the big warm ones. Perfect for me right now as I am cold, then hot! Easy to take off quickly.

  20. Bonjour à nouveau Christine :-) Je viens de lire votre commentaire au sujet du châle rond et je viens de voir celui-ci avec grand plaisir. J'aime beaucoup cette bordure entrecroisée et la couleur est tout à fait dans mes tons. Je note vos explications pour faire ce joli modèle.

    1. Merci Veronique pour votre visite et commentaire sur mon blog, je suis contente que mon châle vous plaise. Il est si facile a faire! J'aurais bien voulu le faire plus grand mais n'avais que 8 pelotes de laine Georges Picaud a ma disposition. Si je decide d'en tricoter un autre j'utiliserai 12 pelotes pour un châle plus enveloppant. En attendant je vais passer ma commande de laines pour commencer le
      votre. Merci encore.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Please what is the length along each side before the crocheting?

    1. Good morning Margaret, thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment! However I cannot tell you the length along the sides as I don't have the shawl with me at the moment. You can make it the lenght you wish according to the width you want to reach. I wish you an excellent Sunday. Best regards.

  23. Hello, and thank you for creating such a lovely piece and sharing it with us. I just started this pattern.

    Do you have an image of the completed piece laid out flat. I have interpreted the instructions to read I only increase on the WS, and knit across on the RS (I am slipping the first stitch on the RS). This is resulting in a bit of a scalloped shape.

    Do you think I am interpreting the instructions correctly?

    Thank you for your time.
