

Saturday, September 05, 2015

New Home for an Antique Quilt

Antique Scrappy Quilt
Antique Scrappy Quilt
Antique Scrappy Quilt
Antique Scrappy Quilt
Antique Roses
Antique Stone Bench
Antique Bignonia
Antique Roof

My Scrappy Stars antique quilt travelled with me to France. I thought it would be of the best decorative effect in my old French house. I have displayed it in the garden on an antique bench to take pictures.

I came back to Greece a few days ago after a long time in France (two months and a half!). I thought I would escape from the excessive Greek summer heat, but I had an exceptionally hot summer in France, and coming back here I find an exceptional heat for September... not lucky! It is definitely not a temperature to start quilting...


  1. Very unusual color combination in this antique quilt. It looks gorgeous draped over the bench in the garden!

  2. Beautiful photos and I like the antique quilt very much.

  3. Tout est magnifique !!! rien a ajouter...

  4. Gorgeous...and yes, it belongs with you!!

  5. Quel beau quilt ! Et quel bel écrin pour ce quilt !
    Une jolie vieille maison : quelle harmonie !

  6. Est-ce un jaune quercitron ou bien tirant plus sur le marron ? Cette couleur tranche vivement et rehausse ton quilt qui est magnifique !
    J'espère que tu t'es bien bien reposée pendant ces vacances !
    Gros bisous Christine !

  7. Lovely quilt, gorgeous photos!

  8. I am really surprised to see such wide sashing between the blocks. So unusual. What a beautiful setting for your photos.

  9. The quilt looks so lovely the way you have it displayed Christine! Beautiful photos!
    I have never seen a quilt with the blocks set like that.
    Heat definitely hinders the desire to quilt and knit. I hope temperatures grow cooler soon!

  10. What a delightful quilt and so beautifully displayed in the garden of your home in France - what a wonderful garden it is! The old and very well established climber growing against the doorway - is is Bignonia?

  11. Beautiful! A perfect setting for it in France :-)

  12. What beautiful photos. Thanks so much for sharing.

  13. Your jardin in France looks lovely and peaceful. The antique quilt is perfect there. I don't think there was anywhere to escape the heat this year! I hope it cools in Greece soon.

  14. Love this quilt so much! The chrome yellow is fabulous. Your pictures make it all look very inviting!

  15. C'est vrai qu'il a fait très chaud cette année en France ,c'est une belle mise en scène pour ce quilt.Bonne journée.

  16. Le quilt et la maison vont bien ensemble. Tes photos sont superbes. Ta bignonne, si je ne me trompe pas, est impresionnante. Comme toi, je ne supporte pas la chaleur et j'apprécie souvent plus septembre que l'été.
