

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Liebster Award Nomination!

Hello everyone!

I have been nominated for the Liebster Award. Thank you to Cecile from Patchwork Inspirations for nominating me.

The rules :

1. Thank and link back your nominator
2. Answer the eleven questions given by the nominator
3. Nominate eleven blogs
4. If you wish, create new questions to ask your nominees

So here is my list of questions and my answers :

What is your favorite craft?

- No doubt quilting!

Other hobbies?

- Watercolor, knitting, crochet, embroidery.

Do you prefer hand quilting or machine quilting?

- I love hand quilting but sometimes I give my quilts to a long arm quilter because I cannot use my machine for quilting.

Do you attend quilting groups?

- Yes I do, we have here in Athens - Greece a wonderful group and we meet every Monday since more than 10 years.

Do you follow patterns for your quilts?

- No I don't since a long time. I prefer to create my own quilts, often adapted from antique quilts, and using classical blocks.

Tea or coffee?

- Coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon (with cakes!).

How many hours do you spend on your crafts per day?

- Several hours every morning, and I would go on until evening if I had not a drop of energy as time goes by!

How many UFO's?

- Three quilt tops waiting to be basted and quilted.

Methodical or messy?

- I must admit I like method and order, but I try hard to change...

How would you define yourself?

- Paradoxical : perfectionist and unconventional together.

Ideal day?

- A rainy or snowy winter day, quilting or knitting by the fireplace while listening to Dave Brubeck playing jazz, with a cup of tea within reach.

Now I come to the difficult task to choose among all my dear blogger friends. I nominate eleven of them. I hope in their turn that they will write about themselves so that we learn more about their personality. Those blogs are all wonderful : don't hesitate, go and visit them!

Lara from BuzzinBumble!
LeeAnn from Nifty Quilts
Diane from Butterfly Threads
Katell from La Ruche des Quilteuses
Paulette from Sweet P Quilting and Creations
Lorna from Sew Fresh Quilts
Rebecca from Quilting Everyday
Anna from Woolie Mammoth
Teje from Nero's Post and Patch
Carole from Wheels on the Warrandyte Bus
Amalia from Handmade by Amalia


  1. Hi Christine! Congratulations and thank you for nominating my blog! Your idea day is mine too! Have a lovely weekend! x Teje

  2. Merci d'avoir joué le jeu Christine !! Par contre j'ignorais que tu réalisais toi-même tes propres quilts, sans modèles.... Quel talent ! Bravo !! Je suis encore plus admirative ......
    Bonne soirée et surtout, bon dimanche !
    Gros bisous

  3. You idea of the perfect day sounds like pure heaven Christine! I enjoyed reading your post and learning more about you! You are so artistic and it is inspiring! I have always thought that if distance was not a factor I would want to be in your quilt group.
    I was reading along so happily and then Oh what a surprise! Thank you for including me with your list of Dear Blogger Friends Christine! I see some I love too and one new friend discovered through you.

  4. You and I are very similar Christine. Lovely to hear about your life and loves. :-)

  5. It's nice to learn a little more about you and thank you so much for including me in this wonderful way. I do appreciate it.
    Amalia (who also loves morning coffee, afternoon tea, rain and jazz)

  6. Love learning more about I didn't really realize you don't follow patterns. Thanks for sharing a bit more about you. Many of the blogs you selected are my favorites off to learn more about them too. Happy day!

  7. C'est très agréable de découvrir un peu plus de l'univers de chaque quilteuse... et merci de m'avoir citée parmi la liste de blogueuses ! J'ai répondu, il y a quelques semaines, à des questions similaires (ici :, alors je ne récidiverai pas !
    Belle journée chère Christine !
