

Monday, June 01, 2015

Flower Garden Bag

Flower Garden Bag
Flower Garden Bag
Flower Garden Bag
Flower Garden Bag
Flower Garden Bag
Flower Garden Bag

After presenting you my Crazy quilting bag, I present you today another "oldie but goodie" : my Flower Garden knitting bag. I know you will all agree with me when I say that we never have enough quilting or knitting or whatever bag! The same for pouches... I did this one a long time ago, most probably with an orphan block : this is the way I recycled most of my leftovers.

Now about gardening : everybody gave me the same advice, so I planted my succulent cuttings straight in the earth without waiting that they root. I may have the good surprise, returning from France, to see that they have grown!

I have some other plants which miraculously developed without any care from me : the medicinal plants such as oregano, verbena, rosemary... I drink everyday infusions (herbal tea) of freshly cut leaves, adding a tea spoon of Greek honey. They are supposed to prevent various health problems. How stupid from me, until recently I was buying those teas from the supermarket when I had such plants growing wild organic in the mountain earth of my garden... this is how you behave when you were brought up as a city girl! It takes a whole life to connect yourself with nature!!


  1. Beautiful Grandmother's Flower Garden knitting bag. Your garden is lovely too Christine!

  2. That's it, I'm MUST make this bag! Too adorable. I love your color choices as well. Will you blog from France? If not, have a wonderful time and be sure to share the photos when you return.

  3. l'aime bien celui-ci !! :)) L'autre aussi.... argh ! tu nous tentes trop avec tes jolis sacs !
    Ils sont super beaux en tout cas !
    Ton succulent va vite faire des racines ! La nature est bien faite et nous apprend beaucoup de choses...
    Bonne fin de journée Christine !

  4. Your bag looks as new and current as if you made it today! That shows your classic, timeless style--always in good taste. It will be wonderful to enjoy your tea, fresh from the garden soon.

  5. I just love your grandmother's flower garden knitting bag and your garden is lovely. Your Liberty suitcase is gorgeous and such a nice gift from your daughter. Have a wonderful time in France.

  6. Gorgeous photos Christine! I would never have guessed that you made this pretty bag a while ago - it might be an oldie but it still is a goodie and fits right in with today's quilter! Love it!
    We grow herbs too and I too often forget to go and harvest and use them. LOL - and I am a country girl born and bred.

  7. Beautiful bag and pictures! Thank you for sharing.
    Have a good time in France : )

  8. I'm in love with your bag *U* :o)) !

  9. Love your bag, timeless for sure! Your photos are always so inspirational!

  10. Bonne idée pour le sac et les photos sont toujours très belles

  11. Beautiful bag.
    Greetings, Manuela

  12. Now I'll think of you sitting in the garden, with a cool drink, maybe some music, and working out of this pretty bag. Heaven.

  13. I love your Flower Garden bag! I may have to make one like that. How wonderful to be able to pick fresh herbs for tea, right from your own garden!

  14. Oh yes.....I do love this flower garden bag!!

  15. I so adore your Flower Garden Bag. It is timeless and gorgeous. Thank you for sharing your talents so generously. Your family and friends must appreciate you and your efforts so very much.
