

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Pink Feeling

Pink quilts

Pink quilts

Pink quilts

Orange cake

Orange cake

Orange cake

Orange cake

Almond tree




Suddenly spring! Three weeks ago we were under the snow and now spring is here! The first sign is the almond tree flowering. And with spring comes my feeling for fresh colors in the house, and especially pink which is my favorite color. I started taking everything pink from the closets : quilts, cushions, blankets... with a will to transform the house atmosphere. With enthusiasm (I don't know for how long) I began to air, brush, wash... in a word spring cleaning. 
Apart from cleaning and decorating, I baked a brioche and this orange cake. This is a classical family recipe I used to make a lot for my children : 
  • 1 cup self raising flour
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup butter
  • pinch of salt
  • Orange peel + 1 orange juice
  • 4 eggs         
Mix the sugar + melted butter. Add the eggs one by one, then the orange, then the flour.
Lay butter and spread sugar in a rectangular baking pan and pour the mixture. 
Put in the oven at 180 o C (327 o F) for 45 mn to 1 hour.
Just out of the oven, pour some cognac or rum and sprinkle a little icing sugar.

This cake is the easiest possible to make, and always successful!

After decorating and baking, let's start a little gardening... Quilting tomorrow...


  1. the cake sounds wonderful! thanks for the recipe. I think now that this snow fall is over spring will be on the way here too.,

  2. Thank you for all the lovely pictures and for the cake recipe. It sounds delicious.

  3. Your pictures are gorgeous. This is quite a pleasure to look at them. Even more because where I live, we still have mounts of snow on the ground. Thank you for this feast for the eyes.

  4. hi Christine! Looks like you have spring earlier than us. Thank you for the recipe - looks most delicious! I shall try absolutely! x Teje

    1. Thank you Teje, I hope you will like the cake!

  5. Your flowers are lovely! I will try the orange cake - thank you. Good luck with your PINK transformation.

    1. Thank you Jeanne, good luck to you for the cake!

  6. The cake sounds delicious and so does spring. No gardening here,'s just another round of snow shoveling :)

    1. Thank you! Spring will come soon for you too...

  7. Your home looks so cosy Christine! The perfect place for a delicious afternoon tea with home-baked cake.
    The soft pink accents are just gorgeous!!!!

  8. OMG Christine your photos are so out of one of those wonderful high end home and garden magazines!!! The idea of taking out everything pink is such a lovely way to start Spring. Thank you for the recipe. I am going to make it this week!

  9. Beautiful post! I can almost smell the cake. Mmmm.

  10. Tu sais quoi ? Je t'imagine, telle une petite abeille, nettoyant allant venant, cuisinant !!!
    Ce post est rempli de joie et comme je te comprends ! Le soleil, les fleurs, la luminosité..... Tous ces ingrédients qui donnent chaud au coeur !
    Merci pour la recette ! J'ai une question cependant : comment fais-tu pour doser une tasse de beurre ?
    Très bonne soirée Christine et grosses bises ! :)

  11. Tu fais tout pour qu'on s'invite chez toi !!!! :) Douces couleurs, jardin fleuri, gateau delicieux pour accompagner le the ....tous les elements pour passer un bon moment !!

    1. C'est d'ailleurs ce que l'on va faire lundi. Je vous attends!

  12. We got another snow, very late in the year for us and very unusual to get snow here. We might get snow every other year for one day. We have two snow storms in the last week and half. Warming up next week so I hope it means spring will arrive here. The cake you made reminds me of one my mom used to make years ago. I am definitely going to give it a go! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  13. I am so envious of your beautiful Spring weather and all your lovely blooms! Your cake looks so delicious!

  14. Hello Christine.... what a bright and friendly atmosphere... the cake looks delicious - I will try it this weekend. Thank you. For Germany it seems that spring will arrive now too - yesterday I saw (and heard) some canada geese flying and for the weekend temperatures up to 20°C are announced. I love spring.

  15. Sweet and beautiful pink quilts , flowers ....
    and the cake mmm :0))

  16. Beautiful photos. Very soft and pretty pinks. I like orange cake too and I am hoping to try making brioche for the first time this weekend.

  17. Once again your photos are beautiful and so welcome to these eyes. We have no signs of spring here yet. Thanks for including the recipe. I will try it soon. Have a wonderful weekend.

  18. Belles fleurs de printemps et jolie ambiance de quilts

  19. Your photography is simply stunning. I think I'm going to have to try that recipe as well. Yum.

  20. I am a new follower of your lovely blog. Your quilts are beautiful and the orange cake looks delicious.
