

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Quilting or Knitting...

...that is the question!



Knitting vintage catalogue
Knitting vintage catalogue

My blue jacket is almost finished and I hesitate between starting a new knitting or a new quilt.
I have this beautiful block that was rejected from my Folklore quilt, and since I put it away I had in mind to do something with it one day, as I love the fabrics and pink is my favorite color. I am thinking of working around this block with same tunes but different blocks. 
By the time I write this I find out that I better take the time to develop a clear project and thus I will rather go on knitting for a while. I have got new Rowan yarns and I may knit a cloth for my second two months grandson. This magazine is an old vintage one that my mother was using to knit for my sister and me. I have already used several times those patterns of the 50's and found them perfect, classical and so smart! 


  1. Ah ah...faire un peu des deux ? Mais je te sens bien partie pour le petit haut de bébé.....
    Ton bloc est très doux avec ces couleurs ! Quoique qu'on en dise, certaines couleurs sont indémodables !!
    Bonne soirée Christine !

  2. Oh that is a hard decision! I am sure you will find your way!

  3. The vintage patterns are so beautiful. It was nice that you can knit some of the same patterns your Mother created for you.

  4. jolies couleurs pour ce bloc et tes laines sont belles aussi !

  5. Those old knitting patterns never go out of style!!! I know how you feel..torn between knitting and quilting although quilting is winning these days!!

  6. A very pretty block! Classic patterns are the best. I look forward to seeing what you create out of that beautiful yarn.

  7. Modes et travaux est vraiment impressionnant de longévité! Ce numéro est un vrai trésor. Bon tricot avec le projet de nouveau quilt en tête :-)

  8. What a beautiful block, no doubt you will create something lovely around it! How nice that you can use the same knitting patterns as your mother, what a lovely connection. Enjoy!

  9. I love these old pattern books. They are so classic!

  10. I just love pink flowery fabrics. Which is why I find your block quite beautiful. Please, let us know what you will do with it. So I can look at it again...

  11. What a lovely pink block. I will be interested to see how you use it.

  12. Your quilt block is so pretty. I hope you decide to work on it again. Sometimes the older children's clothing patterns are just perfect for today. Enjoy whatever you decide to work on.

  13. What a beautiful quilt block and your yarn is looking so lovely. Hard to choose.:)

  14. Lovely quilt block, and lovely yarn.....
