

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Flower Garden Second Part

Pile of blocks

Flower garden box

Flower Garden box

Hexagon papers

Flower Garden blocks


Hexies and blocks

Flower Garden blocks


Blocks arrangement

Blocks and lavender


Unfinished blocks

Finished block

Unfinished blocks

Unfinished blocks

Pile of blocks

Pile of blocks

Summer time is Flower Garden time! I took the boxes of this project from the shelf to see what it is about...
Ok, first thing : I am rather pleased to find a quite good organization!
Second thing : not very pleased to see that I did not progress so well! Little by little as it goes, it seems another 10 years will be necessary to finish this quilt, especially that I intended to make it Queen size and have it handquilted... I may review this point... maybe a single bed quilt will be alright!
Well, let's not be discouraged and let's start : I have first to cut 216 paper hexies and 216 muslin hexies, then baste and piece them around the 12 unfinished blocks. When this will be finished, I will have done a great step forward!

Enjoy your quilting!


  1. Very beautiful cheerful fabric. It will be a great quilt for sure. Hang in there. Every great journey starts with a few stitches :D

  2. Beautiful hexie flowers!
    Adding the muslin background pieces is boring, isn't it? I had the same problem with my Lavender Flower Garden:
    First I pieced all the nice colorful flowers, and then I had to add all the whites...
    So this time I make every flower complete with it's background before I start another one.

    For me, the hexies are my summer project, too. :-) Just perfect when it's too hot for hand quilting.

  3. Just marvellous !!! a colourful garden !!! it's simply magic and beautiful...

  4. So many beautiful hexie flowers! This will be such a lovely quilt!! You are very organized and that will help your progress a lot. You can not hurry perfection and this will be perfect!

  5. They are so beautiful! Your organisation puts my EPP to shame - it looks so good stacked in neat piles :)

  6. love your blocks I have been putting off trying EPP but it looks like I really should give it a go.
    I just love your s 30's just make me smile and oh the white with it makes it so happy and bright
    what size paper are you using, I like the size, thanks for sharing

  7. Glad to know I'm not the only one with a 10 years flower garden WIP! My is being made of 30's fabrics as well....even notice a few 30's we have in common. I hope I don't regret that my centers are not all the same I love yours....too late to go back now! LOL!! But I love this post!! Thanks for sharing. :)V

  8. My EPP flower garden is a WIP for last 5 years. Niece & nephew a patiently waiting. I appreciate the push you just gave me to dig it out again & get moving on it!

    1. Thanks Jan, I am pleased if I could be of help for this!

  9. Pretty fabrics. My hexies are still in their closed box :-(

  10. Hi Christine! Your hexagon flowers are beautiful! And I enjoy always your lovely photos! I saw that you liked also the snowflake idea. I think I'll try that next time. Have a great summer! x Teje

  11. Lovely hexie flowers -- I hope you'll take it as far as you can! I find EPP to be a good diversion from lots of things. Always seem to have a bit of it going though only one piece has been finished so far!?

  12. It looks all so inviting.

  13. How did I miss this the first time around!?! I'm so glad you linked up to Val's post, so I was able to see them! What a lovely collection you have going. This is going to be a beauty.

  14. So pretty Christine! These are so time consuming to make, but they are beautiful!!!

  15. Christine, you have such pretty flowers in your garden! I also have such a project going, but not nearly as many finished flowers as you have. I started during my holiday last year, but haven't done much since. That's OK by me. It's my "away from home" project.

  16. Such wonderful pieces you have made. I admire anyone who can make so many hexies.

  17. Great job on getting so many done. They are lovely.

  18. Oh this will be a simply stunning flower garden quilt. I love your fabric choices..i find that the paths always give me problems--in my hexagon work...I guess I should print them out first--but, no, higgeldy-piggeldy I just hugs, Julierose
