

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Half Square Triangle (HST) TUTORIAL with Layer Cake

Layer Cake

For this little quilt I chose a Layer Cake 
from Moda, line Hometown. 
I think the colors are suitable for a baby girl or a baby boy.
In fact with one layer Cake I have just enough 
fabric to sew two baby quilts.

Fabric selection

I put 4 layers together and cut them in 2 triangles.

Diagonal cut

Again I cut them in 2 parts.

Second diagonale cut

I obtain 16 triangles.

Block arrangement

I sew them 2 by 2 ...


... in a continuous way.

Continuous sewing

I press the seam on the side.


One seam on the right and one seam on the left.


Continuous sewing

When all the blocks are ready, I use my iron
to open and press the seam.


 I cut again the blocks to be exactly 23/23 cm.

Blocks 23/23 cm

Then I begin to assemble 4 blocks,
after chosing a suitable arrangement.

Row of 4 blocks
I sew each row of 4 blocks,
pressing all the seams the same side.
Next row, I press the seams the opposite way.

2 rows

I press open the horizontal seam.

2 ironed rows

Assembling rows

Finished top.

Finished layer cake top

 I will show the ready completed quilt soon, once quilted and binded.


  1. Merci pour le tuto et bravo pour ce nouveau projet plein de fraicheur pour rendre heureux un nouveau bebe !! la regle est en cm ou inch ? On attend le resultat final bien sur...

    1. ... de rien! La regle est en inches, mais la je m'en sers juste pour couper car elle est anti-derapante. Avec les layer cakes, pas besoin de mesurer, juste a la fin, que les blocs soient tous de la meme taille et a ce stade je me sers juste des lignes sur la planche.

  2. Sometime we need a quick and easy pattern! This is perfect! Thanks for creating the tutorial! I'll let ya know when I make mine! :)
