

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Exhibition Paris March 2013

Last year in Paris, I was lucky enough to visit the Mona Bismarck
American Center. The antique quilts exhibited were exceptionally
beautiful with a great range of various styles.

This Baltimore quilt was a pure beauty,
the most stunning I ever saw, huge size 
and excellent state, like never used.
The appliqué extremely refined, the colors gorgeous!

This one was my favorite one,
mainly because of this rare green color,
and the red hexagons in between the diamonds.

This Pineapple Variation of Log Cabin
with its black background was awesome!

Great inspiration for future creations!
I will never forget this impressive exhibition.


  1. De veritables oeuvres d'art en effet qui meritent d'etre admirees dans un tel musee effectivement !! Magnifiques....

  2. It's so good to visit the quilt show, and old blankets especially, is steeped in history, it is very interesting.
